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Roaring to 2021…. Here we Come!


The last sunset of 2020…… Would not want to be anywhere else….
Roaring to 2021…. here we come!
Information + Updates
I’ve got an especially good feeling about 2021. What’s more, some of the top analysts and economists in the country seem to think 2021 is going to be an exceptional year, too.
Here are some of the predictions I’m hearing:
  • Robust economic growth in the 4-5% range (The Fed predicts 4.2% [1], Morgan Stanley forecasts 5.9% [2]); 
  • Double-digit increase in home sales (Mortgage Bankers of America expects 10% [3], Bank of America predicts 11% [4]); 
  • An 8% gain in average sales price nationally (National Association of Realtors [5]); 
  • Mortgage rates to remain historically low all year, at roughly 3% (NAR [5]).
If these analysts are even half right, it’s shaping up to be a great year for all of us. And it wouldn’t be the first time that a pandemic was followed closely by a period of growth. The 1918 Spanish Flu led directly to the “Roaring ‘20s” — a time of widespread prosperity and cultural renaissance. I hope that the rest of this decade will be defined by a similar feeling of abundance, growth, and renewal.
  1. Federal Open Market Committee economic projections, December 16, 2020
  2. Morgan Stanley Global Economic Outlook, December 1, 2020
  3. Mortgage Bankers Association report, December 21, 2020
  4. Bank of America Global Research Housing Watch report, November 24, 2020
  5. National Association of Realtors consensus forecast, December 10, 2020
Did You Know? Between 2018 and 2028, the number of households are forecasted to grow by as much as 12 million with Gen X and Millennials driving most of the household formations and adding almost 25 million new households through 2028. But, while the wave of millennials has started entering the home purchase market, the largest age cohorts, those aged 28 to 30 and almost 15 million strong, are yet to turn the typical first-time home buying age of 33 years old.....BUILD LOTS OF (affordable) HOMES!
Did You Know? Since 2000, the U.S. has gained 46 million people and only 20 million housing units. In the two decades prior, the country gained 45 million people and 35 million housing units. (Corelogic)
“People don’t care how much you know until they
know how much you care.” – Theodore Roosevelt
20/20 Thoughts of 2020
Lessons Learned
As we say good riddance to 2020, there are several things that emerged and were re-inforced this year that I'm extremely grateful for. So here is my TOP 20 list of 20-20 visions:
1. Empathy was re-energized. I witnessed people doing extraordinary things to help others.
2. Forced Family Fun: College kids retreating home and families spending all their time together….It was a truly special time with my family.
3. We accelerated hygiene. I've never washed my hands as much as I did in 2020. I never realized how often I touch my face as I did in 2020. These are eternally valuable lessons learned. We even washed our groceries.
4. We learned that high tech can be in high touch with ZOOM calls infused with lots of human interaction and things not normally associated with pure tech. ZOOM also taught us how often we interrupt each other!
5. We learned to appreciate the smaller things in life and recognized how very BIG they were. A warm bed, food, internet service, sunshine, all mattered more.
6. We learned the importance of data, facts, and truth. Without them, we are lost. When we ignore them, we all pay the price.
7. We learned that we are all fallible: there is a beginning, middle and end to all lives and seasons. Time is the last luxury.
8. Tech accelerated immediately. Brilliant teams around the world provided us with infrastructure, tools, and systems that allowed us to work almost seamlessly, almost immediately. 
9. We learned how to 'fake it'. At times when we just wanted to curl up and cry, we felt responsible to one another to prop one another up and exude confidence, hope, and positive thinking. Stiff upper lip!
10. We were reminded about the importance of making a daily effort to move and be physically active, from Zoom Yoga to a simple brisk walk on the beach.
11. We were reminded about the power and importance of HOME. 2020 reminded us how important our work is, how important our profession is.
12. We were reminded about the power of a moving image: a zoom call, video, etc will always be more relatable than a static image.
13. We re-discovered the power of the VOICE. Speaking to people cannot be replicated by text or email.
14. We re-discovered nature: being locked down during spring dulled the shock as it reminded us that seasons change and COVID-19 - just like a season - will come and go too.
15. We learned about the power of friends, family, and especially parents: those who juggled home-schooling, care, taking care of relatives, etc AND work are true heroes. 
16. We were reminded again of the importance of our first responders and healthcare workers: without them, 2020 would have been much worse.
17. We re-discovered the power of reading and learning. 
18. We learned that what unites us is so much greater than that which divides us and is now much warier than those who spread hate and division driven by personal agendas.
19. We learned that health is the ultimate wealth. With good health, everything and anything is possible. I vow to remind myself of this every day.
20. We learned that anyone who can survive 2020 intact is to be commended. So many have suffered throughout this year from COVID-related issues, but let's not forget those who have suffered from so many other issues related to health, addiction, family, poverty issues, homelessness, crime, etc. While our ails were tough indeed, let's keep things in perspective.
In Remembrance
Note of Condolences and Appreciation
Sally’s Fund was founded by the Von Gremp family and unfortunately Walt Von Gremp passed away last week at 92 years old and is survived by his wife Ann and 5 children, Tom, Bill, Jim, and Andrew and Katie. What a man and what a life….
Favorite Recipe
Thai Coconut Noodle Soup
This is one of our family's all time favorite soups...and pretty easy to make. Enjoy
Check it out...
Featured Listings
In Escrow
Vacation Leases
The Emerald Bay Market
There are currently 8 homes for sale in Emerald Bay
ranging from $4,250,000 to $15,995,000.


Work With Maura

Maura Short is known for her strong work ethic, broad industry know-how, and passion for architecture, in addition to her extensive network, confidentiality, and moral code. Combined with her wide-ranging local expertise, all of these assets result in favorable outcomes for both buyers and sellers under her care.
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