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Happy Thanksgiving


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November 23, 2022

Good morning,

I believe that every day is an opportunity to show gratitude — and that any day you do focus on what you’re grateful for is better than any day when you don’t.


Here are some of the things I’m giving thanks for this week.


I’m thankful for my mom, who raised 6 kids including 2 sets of twins before disposable diapers. You are a superhero. Thank you Mom!


I’m thankful for my husband Steve, who I love more than anything and we have created such an amazing life together.


I’m thankful for every hug my children and grandchildren give me — and the ways they make every day better. I love every moment I spend with my kids and the journeys we have shared together. Their future is so bright and I am so very proud of the human beings they are.


I’m thankful for the beauty of where I live.  Walking on the beach and enjoying these magical sunsets make me appreciate and realize how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place.


I’m thankful for my friends and community, without their advice, encouragement and support, my life would not be the same…for sure!


I’m thankful for each day of good health, and my friends who share their health bits of wisdom


I’m thankful that I love what I do and I can’t wait to wake up every morning and do it.


I’m thankful I get to learn with and from all of you.


Information + Updates

Did you know? The Turkey Trot is the oldest continuously run footrace in the United States.


Did you know? Rent hikes are slowing or coming down....that's about a third of US CPI. Oil is down now about 13% in one month below $80 a barrel and energy represents about 7.5% of CPI. Together these 2 items alone account for over 40% of CPI...


Did you know? Have you noticed lettuce prices are WAY up? Restaurants are stunned by the massive increase. Two pathogens known as Pythium Wilt and INSV are to blame. Together they are spreading a virus among lettuce and other leafy greens that's likely to destroy crops similar to what happened in 2020 when a third of the Salinas Valley lettuce crop was destroyed resulting in a $100 million loss for farmers. 


Did you know? Food is much more expensive these days.....and corporate profits for those selling food are waaaaay up! One example is Chipotle, which said prices by the end of the year would be nearly 15% higher than a year earlier ....and then reported $257+ million in profit in the latest quarter, up nearly 26% from a year earlier. Obviously their pricing covers higher costs PLUS a wee bit extra..... Recent earnings calls show many corporations have used inflation, the pandemic and supply chain challenges as an excuse to exaggerate their own costs....and reap enormous profit gains. Now the FED's actions to fight this inflation is hurting the real estate industry - and homeowners, buyers, and renters.


Did you know? In Q4 2019, US households held about $1 trillion in what was effectively cash—currency and accounts against which checks could be written. By the end of Q2 2022, this amount had leapt to $4.7 trillion. Nothing like this has happened in the past 70 years—though consumer spending stats point to something similar having occurred during World War II. The federal government put almost $1.5 trillion directly into Americans’ pockets over the course of 2020 and 2021 with stimulus checks and supplementary unemployment benefits, and other aid programs indirectly funneling more. Those who kept their jobs and/or were above the stimulus-check income limits enjoyed windfalls from the stock and real estate markets. Spending options were few, especially early in the pandemic, and until recently interest rates were so low that there wasn’t much point in moving money out of one’s checking account (or from under the mattress). This massive cash reserve makes this 'recession' very different. (Bloomberg)


Did you know? What are the alternatives to high mortgage interest rates? Loans against stock or other asset portfolios (safer when markets are down), and seller financing. (WSJ)


Did you know? AMAZON is laying off about 10,000 employees as the economy slows due to rising, now high-interest rates and overstocked retail as consumer tastes shift and inflation subsides...... This is obviously not great news for those losing their jobs, yet few if any articles mention the tiny little fact that AMAZON created 500,000 new jobs in 2020, adding another 300,000 to its global workforce in 2021...with 1.6 million in total....minor details! 🤔


Popular Thanksgiving Sides

Most popular Thanksgiving side with their Thanksgiving meal.

Thank you Logan Mohtashami!


Must Watch

I love seeing people’s creativity especially when they have the ability to change our perception of something…… check it out….. 

>>> Click to Watch


I am Grateful to an unknown solder named Vasili Arkhipov who was a soviet Hero that prevented World War 3 during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

>>>>> Learn More
>>> Click to Watch

Emerald Bay Market


16 homes have sold this year including 4 off market sales (2 of which I represented) which is a pretty solid number of sales considering the lack of inventory. The average days on market is approximately 40 which is relatively low by industry standards but certainly understandable since there has not been more than 4 homes on the market at ANY given time this year……

12 Month Lease

Winter Rental

For Lease

There are currently 4 active homes for sale in Emerald Bay

ranging in price from $6,995,000 to $8,995s,000.

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Maura Short is known for her strong work ethic, broad industry know-how, and passion for architecture, in addition to her extensive network, confidentiality, and moral code. Combined with her wide-ranging local expertise, all of these assets result in favorable outcomes for both buyers and sellers under her care.
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